Friday, July 9, 2010

Sex, Sex, Sex!

Anyone who wants to know what the Catholic Church's response to the sexual revolution is should consider attending:
The National Theology of the Body Congress will be the most expansive gathering of experts and popularists in the history of this extraordinary teaching. Held in the Philadelphia area from July 28-30, 2010 and hosted by The Theology of the Body Institute, the world’s leading experts and members of the Church hierarchy will gather to teach and network with educators, activists and devotees to apply this teaching to many facets of the Catholic Faith and everyday life.
As the world slips further into moral relativism and deeper into apathy towards issues of faith and the moral life, the Theology of the Body is creating an international groundswell of interest with both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Many contend that God gave the Theology of the Body to humanity for times such as these. Yet this body of work offers more than just a new way to approach morality; it offers us a new lens to look at life itself.
Building on the words of papal biographer George Weigel—that this teaching “will affect every major theme of the Creed”—the National Theology of the Body Congress offers a rich array of topics to help people live out their faith—and pass it on to those to whom they minister.
Because the Theology of the Body is rooted in the Catholic sacramental worldview, it is destined to affect all aspects of faith and life—from worship, to how we conduct business, to how we experience leisure, to how we live out our creation as male and female. It is for these reasons that we have been compelled to gather some of the most renowned teachers of the Catholic faith and Theology of the Body.
The National Theology of the Body Congress has chosen the theme, Receiving and Proclaiming the Gift. The call to be a “gift,” as one of the central teachings of the Second Vatican Council, became one of the hallmarks of John Paul II’s pontificate. What he helped us understand is that this call to be a “gift”—central to the Gospel itself—is inscribed by God in our very bodies.

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